The False Concentration
The False Concentration (How many kinds of meditation are there? Part 3)
The Right Concentration
The Right Concentration (How many kinds of meditation are there? Part 2)
Filtering Out False Friends
The majority of people around the world from the Lord Buddha’s time until now have been under the misconception that success and failure in life depend mainly on the environment around them.
Why do we need to identify our false friends?
Naturally we need to carefully observe the behaviors of those with whom we associate. It may to be easy to be able to tell what kind of a person they are because the persons may appear as our friends when is fact they could be false friends or even enemies
False Friendship 1: A Selfish Person
We may wonder what behaviors are meant when one is selfish.
False Friendship 3: The Flatterer
Many times we might behave like that without knowing how evil we are. These poor behaviors certainly can cause us worry because nobody thinks that we are sincere in the long run.
With False Friends, who needs enemies?
The word ‘friend’ here refers to people in whom we invest time, trust and resources
False Friendship 2: The Man of Empty Promises
We may wonder what behaviors are performed by the man of empty promises.
Interesting view :
Although some people do have the inspiration towards Nirvana. They have set their goal of life earlier than they can continue to focus their concentration on
The Easiest Cause of Ruin is Following False Friends
When I was in high school, there was a semester when I spent time with friends who felt that smoking was fine, skipping classes was fun, going to bars or night clubs was great (we were younger than 18 at that time), and not listening to parents’ advice was cool.